Friday, January 6, 2017

2016 Recap

2016. What an interesting year. I can say I had some great moments in 2016 and some moments that I wish could have happened differently. To start off the year I got accepted into the one school I applied to! I got accepted into Liberty University! I couldn't have been happier. Looking back in hindsight it was the right decision for me. It's been so cool to see the plans God has for me unfold over time! In January and February, I also had the opportunity for two of my films to premiere at two separate film festivals. One of the films won "Best directed" in the high school category and my friend Tim and I won a $2,000 lens and a $800 camera body. That was such a neat experience for me as I'd never won anything for my work before. 

As graduation got closer and closer I did have the opportunity to work on a few more film projects in March and April (of which you can see below)
 I had a great time being able to have one last experience with some friends in high school before we parted ways. In May, graduation came. It was a neat experience that wasn't your typical high school graduation. I didn't know anyone that I was graduating with the exception of my family and one other friend that I'd known. I was ready to put that chapter of my life behind me and move into the wonderful world of college! Over the summer I worked as a lifeguard at Water Country USA. That job taught me so much about people and how to have people skills. It brought me out of my comfort zone and made me do things I didn't think I could have done before. Over the summer my family took two vacations with one to the lake and one to the beach. In addition to that, my friend Tim and I took a three-day trip to Chincoteague island where we shot a video for a boat tour company on the island. This was also the day that I got in a moped accident and almost got killed by a truck as I crashed a moped while crossing traffic. I wasn't hurt except for a few bruises on my shoulder and a $600 repair that I had to pay for.
Screenshot from when I almost hit the truck.

Luckily the whole thing was captured on video to be relieved for the foreseeable future.
In July I turned 19! I still wouldn't call myself an adult.  Learning to make difficult decisions as an adult is something that I've been working on. I got to celebrate my 19th birthday by eating Chinese food with some of my close friends and family including my sister, my friend Jacob, Jacob's girlfriend Hannah, and Jacob's sister Jordan. 
19th Birthday!

With the end of the summer came move in day for school. My roommate John also lived in Williamsburg so we both knew each other before moving in together. We've become great friends and I couldn't imagine doing college without him.
The first semester brought so many awesome opportunities from working on the production team to support convocation, to being on camera for football games, basketball games, and even getting to work some concerts! Making friends in college was something that I wish I had done a better job of this semester. I am happy with the few people I did meet, and hopefully growing those circles as life at college goes on! If 2016 had taught me anything it was to never take things as they appear as they can be radically different later on. You've just got to trust God and go with the flow! His knowledge of our plan is something that we can trust in.  It will be better than we can ever imagine.

Until next time

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